Сollectible Pyrex Patterns

Pyrex has been very popular for many years. Many people collect large collection of products Pyrex with any types of patterns. Who is going to only certain types of cookware with pyrex patterns, while others collected any new items. In pyrex can be found as a simple, no conspicuous plates, and the more modern-looking saucers and cups.
Very original look, for example, a cup with a picture of Cinderella. A special cover for the economy look is also very unusual. Look at the pyrex patterns on pot Terra, which in her interesting and beautiful patterns.

Pyrex products are steadily gaining popularity, and prices are continuing to grow. Sometimes the price for a regular Pyrex cup or Pyrex dish and original casseroles is quite high. And if you have somewhere in the kitchen cabinets are still standing saucers or teapots custard Pyrex, you can sell them at auction, or simply pass to the museum product Pyrex and you can see there many kinds of Pyrex patterns.